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* Use MORE instead of TYPE .
* Useful aliases :
alias arexx %1 %2 putmsg $1 0 0 0 0 0 "$2"
So 'arexx showdvi "tofront"' is the same as the example in PUTMSG .
If you want some shortcuts like MessyDOS:
alias md makedir
alias ren rename
alias del delete
alias dc diskchange
These are only needed for OS1.3-:
alias setenv %1 %2 echo >ENV:$1 $2
alias getenv %1 type ENV:$1
alias unsetenv %1 delete ENV:$1
* From Workbench assigns are most likely done by clicking an icon:
For example if you have the assigns below in the script
failat 10
assign TEX: dh0:text/pastex
assign MF: dh0:text/pastex/metafont
you need to get a PROJECT ICON for that. Now define the default
tool as ZSH (or ZShell) and a tooltype containing
(case sensitive). That's all. Failat 10 breaks the script if
an error occurs. Putmsg flashes the screen to indicate that
everything was successful. No window will be opened.
* CTRL-R and CTRL-T are for moving the cursor one word backwards/forward.
Probably you would rather like to use Alt-Cursor-Left and
Alt-Cursor-Right instead. This is not possible to do in ZShell, but
you can modify your Keymap according to it, because usually Alt-Cursor
is unused. Get yourself a keymap editor and set it to CTRL-R and to
CTRL-T (same as hexadecimal 12 and 14).
* A script counting down from 10 to 0 (a bit complicated and slow) :
failat 11 ; setenv helpenv 11
lab backtohere
copy > ENV:helpenv ENV:counter
eval >ENV:helpenv ^ENV:counter 1 -
echo "Current number: " ; eval ^ENV:helpenv
if not error
skip backtohere